Английский язык 3 класс учебник Афанасьева, Михеева 1 часть ответы – страница 122

- Тип: ГДЗ, Решебник.
- Авторы: Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И. В.
- Часть: 1.
- Год: 2020-2024.
- Серия: Школа России (ФГОС).
- Издательство: Дрофа и Просвещение.

Номер 4. (Предложение)
3) How old are you, Roy?
a) I’m not old.
b) I’m thirteen.
с) I’m young.
4) How many coins can you see?
a) One and one.
b) Too. c) Two.
5) Can you sing, Raymond?
a) No, I can.
b) Yes, I can’t.
c) No, I can’t.
6) Is Lizzy a good friend?
a) Yes, it is.
b) Yes, she is.
c) Yes, Lizzy is.
1 b) Hi! What's your name, little girl? - I'm Jane.
2 a) What time is it? - It's five o'clock.
3 b) How old are you,Roy? - I'm thirteen.
4 c) How many coins can you see? - Two.
5 c )Can you sing, Raymond? - No,I can't.
6 b) Is Lizzy a good friend? - Yes,she is.
Номер 4. (Предложение)
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Toy Shop; English; Horses on the Farm; My Birthday
1) _______Saturday is a very good day. Saturday is my birthday. On my birthday I have presents, cakes and sweets. I have flowers too. I’m happy. My mum and dad are happy too. In the morning they say, “Happy birthday, Son.”
2) _________I like toys. You can see toys in the toy shop. I like this shop. It is very good. They have toy cars, toy trains, dolls, balls and teddy bears. I like to play with toys.
3) _________I like English. I can speak English and read English. I have eighteen English books. I can write English texts too. My mum and dad can’t speak English.
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