Задание на полях страницы.
Listen, point to the pictures and say.
Прослушай слова, покажи соответствующие им картинки и повтори слова за диктором.
стоять на коленях
Задание в низу страницы.
Listen and read the story.
Прослушай и прочитай продолжение сказки.
The old man is frightened. He asks to see the Queen. She is sitting on her throne. “Kneel down, old man!” the guard says. “Greetings, your Majesty,” the old man says, “I hope you are happy!”
His wife does not answer. She sends him away.
A week later the Queen asks to see the fisherman. “Kneel down, old man!” the guard says. The Queen is eating from a gold plate and she is drinking from a gold cup. Her dress and her shoes are gold. There are servants everywhere. But the fisherman’s wife does not look happy.
The old man is frightened. He asks to see the Queen. She is sitting on her throne. “Kneel down, old man!” the guard says. “Greetings, your Majesty,” the old man says, “I hope you are happy!”
His wife does not answer. She sends him away.
A week later the Queen asks to see the fisherman. “Kneel down, old man!” the guard says. The Queen is eating from a gold plate and she is drinking from a gold cup. Her dress and her shoes are gold. There are servants everywhere. But the fisherman’s wife does not look happy.
Рыбак сильно напуган. Он просит разрешения увидеть Владычицу. Старуха сидит на своем троне. «Преклони колени перед Владычицей, старикашка!» – говорит рыбаку стражник. «Здравствуйте, Ваше Величество, – молвит старик, – теперь, я полагаю, Вы счастливы!”
Владычица не отвечает. Она прогоняет его прочь.
Через неделю Владычица требует встречи с рыбаком. «Встань на колени перед Владычицей, старикашка!»” – приказывает стражник. Владычица ест из золотой тарелки и пьет из золотого кубка. Её платье и обувь из золота. Повсюду прислуга. Но старуха не выглядит счастливой.
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